Corporate Law

Our Law Firm specializes in setting up and managing companies in various jurisdictions all over the world, giving legal opinions and tax advice. Our success factors are mostly attributed to our friendly, dedicated and experienced team along with our efficient and timely services. We are, therefore, in an excellent position to be able to guide you as to how a correctly structured company and/or trust can save you tax payments and protect your assets. Our commitment is to respond quickly, effectively and work closely with our clients in order to help them to find the most cost - effective and profitable solutions.

Our firm represents a large number of local, multinational or foreign companies. We advise on the full range of corporate services from start-up to completion of incorporation. Drafting, negotiation and implementation of shareholders’ agreements. Incorporation of shareholders’ agreements in the Articles of Association of Companies. Companies’ management and annual operation, including capital increases, equity contribution and differentiation of class rights. The firm is engaged in rendering advice on business reorganizations, mergers and acquisitions, takeovers, public offerings, dissolutions, internal corporate procedures and it often undertakes legal due diligence and issues capacity opinions on the good standing of companies, proper execution of corporate actions and generally on all corporate law matters.

As a Law Firm we always take very seriously the urgency of our clients for any Corporate dispute, registration of company, consulting and any other obstacle that may appear in our client's path. We built our Corporate clientele on the foundations of trust, rapid response, efficiency and effectiveness in all kind of situations.

Our Corporate Services:

  • Registration of Cyprus companies.
  • We provide off shore Companies of different juristictions.
  • Nominee Services.
  • Corporate Consulting & Planning.
  • Tax & Audit via our Accountants.
  • Advice and support to our Clients in any legal dispute they may face under our or other jurisdictions.
  • Corporate Litigation & Administrative Litigation.

In cooperation with our accountants we specialise in Company Law in its widest sense.

Why should you prefer our Law Firm?

Because we are:

  • Experienced
  • Qualified
  • Efficient
  • Professionals
  • Organised
  • Prompt in our advice and reaction
  • Concerned for our clients
  • Easy to reach



Our local Presence


Our legal Services


  • Trusts
  • Land Law
  • Criminal Law
  • Contract Law
  • Aviation Law
  • Administrative Law
  • Insurance Claims
  • Personal Injury Claims
  • Banking & Finance disputes 
  • Probates